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Reptile surveys

In the UK we have 6 native species of reptile; grass snake, European adder, smooth snake, slow worm, common lizard and sand lizard. All species are protect by law from being killed, injured or sold, and two of these - the smooth snake and sand lizard - are afforded even great protection.
Reptile Scoping Surveys

Reptile scoping surveys are completed as the first stage of determining the presence of reptiles on your site. This process involves our experienced ecologists checking your site during daylight hours in order to access its suitability as a habitat for reptiles. Reptile scoping surveys can be undertaken at anytime of year. 


Local planning authorities will often request a presence/absence survey for reptiles should the initial scoping survey indicate the possibility of their presence on site. Artificial refuge (in this instance, sheets of felt roofing or corrugated tin) are strategically placed around the site and checked by our ecologists at intervals. Presence/absence surveys can only be undertaken between March and October.

Mitigation and Licensing

Should any species of reptile be present at your site, we can aid you with mitigation measures to ensure compliance with the law during the development process. Two species; the smooth snake and sand lizard are European protected species and require an EPS licence to disturb them or their habitats, though neither are found locally to our area. 



Stroud, Gloucestershire | Calne, Wiltshire

Office: 01452 863712

Mobile: 07557539979

© 2025 Cotswold Environmental Ltd        Registered company number in England: 11193218          VAT registration number: 363 7836 64

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