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Great crested newts

Initial Surveys

Surveying for GCN's is typically done in 2 phases. Phase 1 is the scoping survey, also known as Habitat Suitability Index. survey where the site is assessed for its suitability for GCN's. Phase 2 (trapping surveys). Surveys for GCN's must take place in season, between the months of March and June. Looking for the presence of GCN's at your site by bottle-trapping, torching and egg searching. 

eDNA Analysis

Great crested newts are seasonal animals, and surveys must take place at the optimal time of year for activity. Outside of this, we are still able to offer assistance to check for the presence of newts. This involves taking water samples, which are then sent away to a laboratory for eDNA analysis. A method in which to check for the presence or absence of GCN's outside of this season. 


Mitigation and Licensing

Should great crested newts be present on your site, we can guide you through the process of mitigation and, where required, the application of a European Protected Species (EPS) licence.  Involving an ecologist during the early stages of planning is key to helping prevent or signicantly reduce delays with your planning applications and development projects.



Stroud, Gloucestershire | Calne, Wiltshire

Office: 01452 863712

Mobile: 07557539979

© 2025 Cotswold Environmental Ltd        Registered company number in England: 11193218          VAT registration number: 363 7836 64

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