Biodiversity Net Gain Assessments
Our Biodiversity Net Gain (BNG) service helps clients achieve measurable improvements for nature by providing tailored surveys, habitat mapping, and expert guidance, including the development of habitat management plans to ensure long-term ecological enhancements and BNG compliance.
Baseline Habitat Surveys
A baseline habitat assessment for Biodiversity Net Gain (BNG) establishes the current ecological value of a site. It involves surveying habitats to assess their quality, species diversity, and suitability for enhancement. This data provides the foundation to measure future biodiversity improvements and ensure BNG compliance.

Mapping and Report Preparation
We offer habitat mapping services using QGIS to accurately assess and visualise habitat types on your site. Our detailed maps help identify habitat features and biodiversity value, providing essential data for BNG compliance. We also prepare clear, comprehensive reports to support assessment, management planning, and regulatory requirements.

Habitat Management and Monitoring
We provide services for the preparation of Habitat Management and Monitoring Plans (HMMP) following planning approval. Our team develops tailored plans to ensure long-term biodiversity improvements, outlining management actions, monitoring schedules, and performance indicators. These plans help you meet BNG requirements and ensure sustained ecological enhancements throughout the project’s lifetime.